After Shenron
by Offsite, Wontu
For Fans Of: Godard, Open Mike Eagle, 90culture, Takada Fu, Headline, CHROMA, Perry Maysun, Silas
1. muffin tops ft. safari al
2. ecole criollo
3. gochisousama
4. fit calculus
5. undangle
Raps by Offsite
Production by Wontu
Album art by Shane Mullegama & Wontu
"fit calculus" video directed by Offiste & shot by James Cassidy

Shenron (the wish-granting dragon) emerges only upon the gathering of the seven dragon balls scattered across Earth. Following years of feverish tracking, a single wish is granted in a mere instant to those who succeeded in recovering the orbs, and the dragon balls are deployed once more, cast off across the globe for any future hunters tenacious enough to pursue.
Shenron (the wish-granting dragon) emerges only upon the gathering of the seven dragon balls scattered across Earth. Following years of feverish tracking, a single wish is granted in a mere instant to those who succeeded in recovering the orbs, and the dragon balls are deployed once more, cast off across the globe for any future hunters tenacious enough to pursue.
At this dual-moment of both end and beginning, After Shenron begins. Offsite ponders through our steps going forward, questioning how we ought to approach this new beginning, daunting in its apparent emptiness. How should we continue the pursuit? Should we continue the pursuit at all? A pithy fifteen-minute project, After Shenron poses questions across the paradoxically minimal-dense sound palettes of producer Wontu.
[After Shenron is the result of a cross-seas collaboration. Having spent 2014-2016 living in Tokyo, Offsite sought musical refuge in the production of Wontu, a South Florida native. The two connected instantly and After Shenron was quickly born].
After Shenron is short, but it feels like it packs enough content to sink your teeth into.
- Collectors Corner